I’ve learned over time that whenever I make a conscious decision that I’m tired of something and it’s time to let it go..God steps in. It literally feels like i wake up in the morning and somehow that thing is gone!

Sometimes in life, just like computers we get bogged down with certain things that bring us to the point of overload and our whole system starts running slow. You know, those pesky emotional weights and bondages that you were never meant to carry? You don’t even know why you still have them. Common examples are insecurity, low self-esteem, pride, fear, procrastination, slothfulness, doubt, double-mindedness, the list goes on and on. These are actually evil spirits to be honest in which seeking out deliverance wouldn’t be a bad idea. However, did you know that the Holy Ghost can deliver you all by yourself if you just make that one little conscious decision from a sincere heart and say, “Lord, i’m tired of this..please take it from me.” His grace is truly sufficient to meet you right there in that point of sincere need and help you out. He was only waiting for you let it go. I don’t know about you but I’ve held on to so many crazy mindsets and habits that should have been deleted long ago because they would eventually hinder my progress in ministry. Looking back i’m like “what in the world was i thinking?!!”

I’m a living witness that there are certain things you ABSOLUTELY CANNOT take with you into your Kingdom assignments because you will hurt people instead of helping them. The Lord is asking you to make a decision today. Search your heart, identify those things and let them go…so that you can finally enjoy the peace and clarity of a clean hard drive and a fresh start.

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)

Wishing you a blessed and favorable week!



