This topic is hardly ever discussed openly and even seems a bit talking about your paycheck or something. The general assumption is that it’s a private matter between you and God, no one else needs to know. However, the reality is that most people have struggled in this area at one point or another during their walk with God. Many are struggling quietly even now and have never truly overcome. I’ll bet the devil does a little victory dance every morning after convincing so many to give up their prayer time with God. He uses every trick in the book to pull it off too. You know the familiar lies like: “You’re too sleepy, just do it later.” or “ What do i even say?”

I believe one of the biggest misconceptions about prayer is that you need to do all the talking. The truth is..prayer is a two-way conversation. It’s a dialogue, not a monologue. So many of us stress ourselves out carrying around a million questions about daily life issues simply because we don’t actually listen to God in prayer. Do we not think that our Heavenly Father has something to say too? Also, there’s more than one way to communicate with Him. Sometimes, it’s reading the Bible or a devotional and simply meditating on that. Other times it’s a prayer of thanksgiving or just a simple “Lord, i’m tired but i’m here…what’s on your heart today?”…and then allowing Him to lead you the rest of the way. Yet still, there’s that urge for traditional repentance, cleansing and going into battle against demonic spirits who would love to trouble your day with their wicked agendas. Those evil little trolls.

The fact still remains that early morning is the best time to spend with God. There are 138 scriptures in the Bible that prove our spiritual fam were early risers. David said in Psalm 5:3, “My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.”

Yes, it’s probably a sacrifice for old night owls like myself, but the rewards are truly great..not to mention long-term. You know what they say: the early bird gets the worm. It’s peaceful. It’s quiet. There are no distractions. Plus your mind needs a good brain dump. Why not release it to your Father? You’ll feel amazing afterwards and ready to seize the day. Oh and it’s ok if you need a little boost. Oftentimes, i find it helpful to set the mood with a hot cup of java and my favorite worship playlist. Yes, you can go to the kitchen before prayer, lol. Whatever it takes to get that old flesh into alignment with Holy Spirit. The important thing is to just do it! You’ll never ever regret spending your mornings with God. Hope this helps someone out there in internet land. May your future mornings be prayerful and peaceful.




